Monitor competitors automatically and get alerts

Automatically monitor competitor website updates and news mentions. Get notifications for product updates, pricing changes, or when they are mentioned in the news.

Compint - Monitor

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Website Monitoring

Monitor competitor websites

Get notified when they update pricing page or release a new feature.

Compare easily.
Effortlessly track and analyze website updates.
Preserve history.
Access extensive archives for long-term trend analysis.
Alerts that saves time.
Customize sensitivity and frequency for reliable insights.
Compint - Competitor Website Monitoring

Advanced Website Monitoring

Compare website changes

Discover what competitors are up to. See the overall market shifts.

Most accurate platform.
The only proof-based competitive intelligence platform.
Save time.
Centralize proof and intelligence, saving hours on research.
Confidence in Sales.
Win more deals with hard evidence.
Compint - Advanced Website Monitoring

News Monitoring

Track competitor news mentions

Get alerts when competitors are mentioned on news.

Millions of news & PR websites.
Compint tracks millions of news and PR websites to gather competitive insights.
Receive summaries.
Get the summaries in your email. You decide how often.
Filter noise.
Add keywords to watch or filter news.
Compint - Dashboard

Trusted by outliers

Compint provides all data you need to beat your competition.

Get started in 60 seconds
Websites monitored weekly
Keywords tracked weekly
Data analytics makes decision-making faster


Simple pricing

Start tracking your competitors on our Free plan - no credit card required, or trial Premium for unlimited competitors and more.


Start monitoring your competitors, at no cost. No credit card required.


Get started for free
  • Single user
  • 2 competitors
  • 3 AI messages
  • Limited website monitoring
  • Limited news monitoring
  • Email, Slack, Teams integrations


Competitive intelligence and analysis. All in one. Best price.


Buy now
  • 5 users
  • Unlimited competitors
  • 50 AI messages
  • Unlimited website monitoring
  • Unlimited news monitoring
  • Email, Slack, Teams integrations
  • Advanced alerts
  • Advanced graphs

Ready to win more competitive deals?
Start for free.